
Can You Add Protein Powder To Pancake Mix

Can You Add Protein Powder To Pancake Mix? Solved

Last Updated on July 21, 2024 by Lori Walker

Pancakes, the **ultimate breakfast treat**, suit personal tastes and dietary needs **to a tee**.

One question often arises for health-conscious people who want to increase their protein intake: “Can you add protein powder to the pancake mix?” 

Protein powder is a convenient and versatile supplement used in various recipes, but how well does it work in pancakes? 

We’ll explore the pros and cons of adding protein powder to pancake mix, the best protein powder types, and some delicious recipes. 

Is It Okay To Add Protein Powder To Pancake Mix?

Pancake Batter

Yes, adding protein powder to the pancake mix is generally okay if you use it in moderation and follow a trusted recipe. 

Adding protein powder to the pancake mix can help increase the protein content of your breakfast, which can be beneficial for muscle growth, satiety, and overall health. 

However, it’s important to note that too much protein powder [1] can change the texture and flavor of the pancakes, and some protein powders may contain added sugars or artificial ingredients. 

What Are Protein Pancakes?

Protein pancakes are a type of pancake that’s made with added protein powder. They’re an excellent option for those who want to increase their protein intake and stay full longer. 

Protein pancakes are also convenient for those who want to enjoy a delicious breakfast without sacrificing their health goals. 

“I love a Yorkshire pudding. It’s pancake batter that’s fried in beef fat and puffs up; it’s like you can’t go wrong.”

– Samin Nosrat, American Chef

Adding protein powder to your pancake mix can increase your breakfast’s protein content and create a more satisfying meal that will keep you full and energized throughout the day. 

Protein pancakes can be customized with various ingredients, like fresh fruit, nut butter, and spices, to create a delicious and nutritious breakfast tailored to your taste and dietary preferences. Read about why the first pancake is always the worst here.

Pros & Cons Of Adding Protein Powder To Pancake Mix


  1. Increased protein content – Adding protein powder to the pancake mix can significantly increase the protein content of your breakfast, which can help with muscle growth and satiety.
  2. Convenient – Protein powder is a convenient and easy way to add protein to your pancakes without cooking additional protein sources.
  3. Customizable – Protein powder can be added to the pancake mix and other ingredients, like fruit or nut butter [2], to create a customized and delicious breakfast tailored to your tastes.


  1. Texture and flavor – Adding protein powder to the pancake mix can change the texture and flavor of the pancakes, which may be undesirable for some people.
  2. Cost – Protein powder can be expensive, especially high-quality options, which may only be feasible for some.
  3. Digestive issues – Some people may experience digestive issues or discomfort when consuming large amounts of protein powder.


What Types Of Protein Powder Work Best In Pancakes?

Pancake on a White Plate
  1. Whey protein powder – This is one of the most popular types of protein powder and is derived from milk. It has a neutral flavor and mixes well with pancake batter, making it an excellent option for those who want to increase their protein intake without altering the taste of their pancakes.
  2. Casein protein powder – This is another type of protein powder that’s derived from milk. It’s slower-digesting than whey protein, which can help keep you feeling full for longer. However, it can make the pancakes denser and more gummy in texture.
  3. Plant-based protein powder – Plant-based protein powders like pea, soy, and hemp can be great alternatives for vegan or lactose intolerant. These powders can have more robust flavors than whey protein, so choosing one that complements the other flavors in your pancake recipe is essential.

How Do You Make Protein Pancakes?


  • 1 cup pancake mix
  • 1 scoop protein powder
  • 1 cup liquid (water, milk, or non-dairy milk)
  • 1 egg (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon oil or butter (optional)


  1. In a mixing bowl, combine pancake mix and protein powder.
  2. Add in the liquid and stir until well combined. Add the egg and oil/butter (if used) and mix until combined. Be careful to keep the batter manageable, resulting in tough pancakes.
  3. Heat a non-stick skillet or griddle over medium heat. Use a 1/4 cup measuring cup to scoop the batter onto the skillet.
  4. Cook the pancakes for 2-3 minutes on each side or until golden brown.
  5. Serve with your favorite toppings, like fresh fruit, nut butter, or syrup.

Related Post: Tips To Store Pancake Mix For Long-Term


Does protein powder replace flour in pancakes?

No, protein powder does not typically replace flour in pancakes.

While protein powder can be added to the pancake mix to increase the protein content, it does not have the same binding and thickening properties as flour, which can affect the texture and consistency of the pancakes if used as a replacement.

Find out if you can eat pancake batter here.

Does heat destroy whey protein?

Yes, high heat can destroy whey protein. Whey protein denatures or breaks down at high temperatures, which can reduce its nutritional value.

To preserve the nutritional benefits of whey protein, it’s recommended to use it in recipes with lower temperatures or shorter cooking times, such as protein pancakes or smoothies.

But what’s the ideal heat do you use to make pancakes?

Key Takeaways

Adding protein powder to the pancake mix can increase protein intake and create a delicious and nutritious breakfast. 

While there are potential downsides to using protein powder, such as changes to the texture and flavor of the pancakes, the benefits of increased protein content and convenience may outweigh these drawbacks for many people. 

By choosing the right type of protein powder, following trusted recipes, and experimenting with different ingredients, you can create delicious and satisfying protein pancakes that meet your taste and dietary preferences. 

Whether you’re a fitness enthusiast or just looking for a tasty and healthy breakfast option, protein pancakes are a delicious way to start your day.


Lori Walker

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