
Can You Buy Sourdough Starter At The Grocery Store

Can You Buy Sourdough Starter At The Grocery Store? Solved

Last Updated on July 20, 2024 by Lori Walker

**The **unique flavor and texture** of sourdough bread have made it increasingly popular.**

If you’re interested in making sourdough bread at home, you may be wondering if you can buy a sourdough starter at the grocery store. I vividly remember standing in the baking aisle, scanning the shelves in search of a ready-made sourdough starter.

We’ll explore the answer to this question and provide some helpful information for those just starting with sourdough bread baking.

Are Sourdough Starters Available At The Grocery Store?

sourdough on a jar

Yes, you can buy sourdough starters [1] at the grocery store. Some specialty grocery stores, such as natural food stores or artisan bakeries, may carry pre-made sourdough starters ready to use. 

Other grocery stores may offer dried sourdough starters that can be reconstituted at home.

Availability may vary depending on the store and location, so it is always best to call ahead to see if they carry it. 

Additionally, you can also purchase sourdough starters online from various sources.

But is it okay to use bleached flour for sourdough starters?

How To Make Sourdough Starter At Home

A sourdough starter is a mixture of flour and water fermented by wild yeast [2] and bacteria. You can make your sourdough starter home by mixing equal parts of all-purpose flour and water in a jar. 

Cover the jar with a cloth or cheesecloth and let it sit at room temperature for several days, stirring the mixture once a day.

“When I’m home in L.A., I go to La Brea, a bakery which does artisan breads, excellent sourdoughs primarily, but also patisserie and cakes.”

– Nobu Matsuhisa, Japanese Chef

You will notice bubbles and a sour aroma, which indicates the yeast and bacteria are growing and fermenting the mixture. 

After a few days, you can start using the starter in your bread recipes. Making a sourdough starter may take up to a week, but the result is a live, active culture that you can use to make sourdough bread.

But how can you reheat sourdough bread?

What To Look For When Buying Sourdough Starters

Ideally, it would help if you are looking for a sourdough starter that is alive and active. This will ensure that you can make a successful sourdough loaf. 

Some factors to consider when choosing a sourdough starter from the grocery store include the type of flour used (such as all-purpose or whole wheat), the starter’s age, and the culture’s overall health. 

Additionally, it may be helpful to read reviews or ask store employees for recommendations on which sourdough starter to purchase.

But how will you know if the sourdough starter is dead?

Downsides To Buying Sourdough Starters At The Grocery Store

top view shot of Sourdough Starter  on a jar

There are a few downsides to buying sourdough starters at the grocery store. One is the risk of introducing unwanted bacteria or yeast into your starter, which can affect the taste and texture of your bread. 

Another downside is that store-bought starters may not be as mature or robust as homemade starters that have been nurtured over time. 

“Embrace the sourdough journey from humble beginnings, as you nurture your own starter with patience and care, unlocking a world of flavor that can’t be found on any grocery store shelf.”

Leonelli Bakery

Additionally, store-bought starters may contain added ingredients, such as commercial yeast or preservatives, that can also impact the quality of your bread. 

To ensure that you’re using the best sourdough starter possible, it’s best to make your own or buy one from a trusted source.

Find out how long sourdough needs to proof at room temperature here.

Alternative Sources For Sourdough Starters

  1. Asking a friend or family member who bakes sourdough bread to share a piece of their starter with you.
  2. Joining a sourdough bread baking community or online group and asking for a starter.
  3. Start your sourdough starter from scratch using flour and water, with or without adding a small amount of commercial yeast.
  4. Purchasing a sourdough starter kit or dried sourdough culture from a specialty baking supply store or online retailer.

Regardless of where you obtain your sourdough starter, it’s essential to properly maintain and care for it to ensure its health and viability for baking delicious sourdough bread.

Related Post: What To Do If Your Sourdough Won’t Hold Its Form?


Is grocery store sourdough real?

Yes, sourdough starters sold at grocery stores are real sourdough starters. However, the quality and authenticity of the starter may vary.

Some grocery store sourdough starters may contain commercial yeast in addition to wild yeast and bacteria, while others may be made with only wild yeast and bacteria.

It is essential to check the ingredients list and choose a reputable brand if you plan to buy sourdough starters at the grocery store.

What can I use if I don’t have a sourdough starter?

You can use a store-bought active yeast or a pre-made sourdough mix if you don’t have a sourdough starter.

Another option is to make a sourdough starter from scratch using flour and water, which can take several days to develop.

Additionally, you can use a different type of leavening, such as baking powder or baking soda.

Find out what the black liquid is on top of the sourdough starter here.

How much does a sourdough starter cost?

You can purchase a small starter from a local bakery or online for around $5 to $10.

Some specialty stores may charge more, but you can make your sourdough starter home using essential ingredients such as flour and water, which is a more cost-effective option.

The cost of components for a homemade starter is usually around $1 to $3.

Key Takeaways

Sourdough starters can be found at many grocery stores, and several options are available for purchase.

However, it’s essential to consider the starter’s quality and authenticity and be aware of any potential downsides to buying store-bought starters. 

If you’re interested in making your sourdough bread, consider starting your starter from scratch, which can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience. 

Whether you buy or make one, it’s important to remember that sourdough starters are living cultures that require time and care, but with patience and attention, the results are well worth it.


Lori Walker

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